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Crosswords App for iPad and iPhone

Crosswords ($9.99)

Ditch the paper and pick up Crosswords for iPad for your daily Crosswords fix. Crossword for iPad allows you to complete crosswords written by over two dozen sources.

The Crosswords Player has editions for both iPhone and iPod Touch, and the iPad. One of the great features is you can sync your puzzles among different Mac platforms. If you are half way done with a crossword on your iPad, you can easily sync and have the game on your iPhone for when you are out and about.
The Player is updated daily with new crosswords and there is also a premium subscription for even more challenges.  While staying true to the original idea, the player does allow for more hints (i.e. cheats) and clue lookups.  It’s up to you how honest of a player you want to be. On the iPad, simply touch and hold down the clues button for hints. You can also access onecross.com for more suggestions through the app. The Crossword Player also has keeps track of your playing time for each puzzle so you can compare with other users.  You can post your times to both Twitter and Facebook to show how friends how smart you are.
The graphics in this App are nice, but nothing stunning.  (Obviously, Crosswords is not a game designed for the hardcore 3D gamer.)  The interface is clean and easy to use. The game can be played in either Portrait or Landscape for all devices. However, Landscape allows for quicker game play as less tabs are used for quicker access. What’s really nice is you can fill your answer in with “pencil” or “ink” that switches between gray or black lettering. The Crosswords iPad App also allows you to enter up to 10 letters in a square to test out solutions

Crossword Puzzle Sources:
• NY Times Classic Crosswords
• The Onion A.V. Club Crossword
• Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday
• Thinks.com
• Wall Street Journal
• Village Voice
• Chronicle of Higher Education
• The Independent
• The Globe & Mail
• The Herald
• Manchester Evening News
• King Features Crosswords
• Le Monde
• NY Times (subscription required)
• Telegraph UK Quick & Cryptic Crosswords (subscription required)
• People Magazine
• Newsday
• Custom Subscription available from Brendan Emmett Quigley

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