IM+ ($9.99)
IM+ is simply the best instant messaging app available for any mobile device. If you have multiple instant messaging accounts you use regularly, and can afford the one-time fee of $9.99, IM+ is a must buy. This app allows you to use your G Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo!, ICQ/AIM, Myspace, Twitter, Facebook, Jabber, and Skype. IM+ uses Apples Push Notification so you will be notified of new instant messages even after closing IM+. In addition to being an all-in-one IM client, IM+ can integrate your emails into one email client as well. Emails are also included with Push notifications and IM+ supports Hotmail, Yahoo, and Gmail. For those who have the extra pocket change, for a small monthly fee one can also included speech recognition for instant messaging. Currently
Yahoo Messenger (Free)
Yahoo Messenger app for iPad is a no-nonsense app that replicates the familiar desktop software. You can chat with all your friends from Yahoo Messenger and Windows Live Messaging. The App is virtually identical to the desktop client and you’ll be able to use all the same features you are accustomed to.
AIM for iPad
AIM is specifically designed for the Apple iPad. You can chat directly with all your AIM friends as well as your Facebook friends. You can also let you friends know where you are by adding your location to a status message. In addition to being a popular Instant Messaging client with millions of users, AIM for iPad allows you to make posts directly to your social network accounts –Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Youtube, etc. We tested the apple on both AT&T’s 3G network and a typical WIFI network without any connection issues.
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